
In Contramar's kitchen we only work with seasonal fish and seafood.

Our dishes are subject to availability.

Monday to Friday
12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday
11:00 am - 8:00 pm

Monday to Friday
12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday
11:00 am - 8:00 pm

+52 (55) 5514 9217
+52 (55) 5514 3169
Whatsapp. 55 80155644

Durango 200
Colonia Roma
Delegación Cuauhtémoc
CP. 06700
Ciudad de México

Information & Reservations


@contramarmx en Instagram

Terms and Conditions – CONTRAMAR WEBSITE

The following terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) govern your use of the website (the “Website”) and of any content available through this Website. We may change the Terms and Conditions at any time, without prior notification, simply by publishing the changes on the Website.

BY USING THIS WEBSITE, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE WITH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS CONCERNS YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE. If you are not in agreement with these Terms and Conditions, you may not access the Website or use it in any other way.

Webpage Privacy Policy

  • Any material or personal information sent to Contramar webpages is covered by the Contramar privacy policy and by the personal information protection detailed in the Privacy Statement to be found on this same webpage.

Intellectual Property Rights

  • All copyrights and other intellectual property rights connected with the texts, images, dishes, and materials in general contained on this webpage are the property of Contramar or have been included with the authorization of their owner.
  • You may navigate on this webpage, reproduce excerpts from it, or download material from it onto a hard disk or for the purpose of distribution to other individuals. All this may be done only on condition that all notes related to copyrights and property on the page be maintained intact and that the mention of trademark previously indicated appear in the reproductions in question.
  • No reproduction of any part of this webpage may be sold or distributed for commercial ends, nor may it be modified or incorporated into any other work, publication, or webpage.


  • This webpage is offered “when possible” and “as is,” so Contramar does not offer guarantees of any kind, whether explicit, implicit, legal, or of any other kind (including implicit guarantees of saleability or satisfaction of quality and fitness for a given purpose), including guarantees of commitment that the material of this webpage shall be complete, accurate, reliable, up-to- date, and respectful of the rights of third parties, that access to this webpage shall be free of interruptions or that it shall not contain errors or be free of viruses, or that it shall be safe or that any opinion or recommendation of Contramar obtained through this webpage shall be accurate or reliable, with regard to all of which matters it is expressly declared that no commitment or guarantee shall assumed.
  • We reserve the right to restrict, suspend, or cancel, without prior notice and at any time, your access to this webpage or to any part thereof, or to any function incorporated into the webpage.


  • Neither Contramar nor any third party involved in our name in the creation, production, or distribution of this webpage shall have any kind of liability, in any case, for direct, fortuitous, consequential, indirect, special or punitive damage, nor for costs, losses, or responsibilities, however they may have come about from the accessing, use, failure to use, or change of content of this webpage, or of any other webpage accessed by means of a link provided on this page, or, to the widest extent permitted by applicable legislation, motivated by any measure we take or fail to take as a result of any message you have sent to us by email.
  • Neither Contramar nor any third party involved in the creation, production, or distribution of this webpage shall have any liability derived from maintaining the material and services available on this page or for correcting, updating, or eliminating same. Any material contained on this webpage is subject to change without prior notice.
  • Moreover, Contramar shall have no liability of any kind, in any case, for any damage suffered as a result of any virus that may have infected your computer or other devices owned by you as a result of your accessing, using, or downloading any material on this webpage. If you choose to download material from this webpage, you do so at your own risk.
  • To the widest extent permitted by applicable legislation, you expressly waive the right to make any claim against Contramar or its executives, managers, employees, suppliers, or programmers that may result from your use or accessing of this webpage.

Prohibited Activities

  • You are prohibited from performing any action which, in the judgment of Contramar, may be considered inappropriate and/or come to be considered illegal or prohibited in accordance with the legislation applicable to this webpage, including, but not limited to, the following:
  • Any act which constitutes a failure to maintain the privacy (including transfers to the webpage of private information without the authorization of the person affected) or any other legal right of an individual;
  • The use of this webpage in order to defame or slander Contramar, its employees, or other individuals, or to act in such a way as to discredit the good name of the company.

Contramar © 2016.